Satisfaction questionnaire Satisfaction questionnaire 1Introduction2La villa de vacances3Notre équipe We hope you have a wonderful vacation in one of our villas. We ask you a few minutes of your time to complete and return this satisfaction questionnaire. We want to use this information to improve our services as well as our holiday villas. En guise de remerciement, nous reversons 10 euros à JEMODA pour chaque questionnaire de satisfaction rempli. JEMODA (association qui vient en aide aux enfants des rues du Sénégal)" . The holiday villa- Which villa did you rent? - Is there enough information about the region and surroundings Yes No - Was everything as you wanted when you arrived? Yes No - Is this villa good value Yes No - Would you recommend this villa? Yes No - Is this villa good value (Required) The "Residences du Soleil" team- Did contact with our team go well before and during your vacation? Yes No - Have your questions, problems, damage been resolved quickly? Yes No - Would you recommend our agency? Yes No - Do you know our site Yes No Is the description of the holiday villa and the information on the website sufficient? Yes No - Do you know our facebook and instagram page? Yes No Facebook : @lesresidencesdusoleil Instagram : @lesresidencesdusoleil- How do you rate our organization (Required)- How would you rate your vacation? (Required)- Do you have any suggestions?